Communications Services

Medical communications solution by Cactus Life Sciences
Develop targeted medical communication strategies

Develop targeted medical communications strategies and tactics that understand the evolving customer landscape and are optimized for field engagement.

We work with medical affairs teams to develop and disseminate content that truly engages their stakeholders in a short amount of time and without creating information overload. This is achieved by combining strong scientific acumen, a deep understanding of how evolving stakeholder information is consumed, and innovation. Our global scientific, account management, and digital teams are the backbone of our ability to deliver true value and impactful content.

What We Offer

Support with MSL slide decks (proactive and reactive), with disease state, product-specific, core clinical trial data (investigator decks); authoring new decks, updating existing decks, and repurposing existing content by leveraging interactive digital formats.
Slide decks for medical advisory boards, conference/symposia/congress (product-specific or competitor data)
Disease state decks, literature surveillance, round tables, etc.
Slides based on manuscripts, congress presentations, etc.
Scientific platforms
Medical communications plans
FAQ documents
Clinical study summary tables
Quick reference guides
Fact sheets
Clinical trial cards

Our Capabilities

Global scientific expertise

Our communication experts have several years of industry and agency experience in pre-launch/launch activities across therapeutic areas. They leverage their strong scientific acumen and creativity to develop impactful and engaging content tailored to the needs of multiple stakeholders.

Multichannel dissemination

Our expertise in various digital formats allows us to find you the most effective, high-impact format for your audience.

Operational efficiencies

We are able to help our clients achieve their internal efficiency and cost-saving goals by using a combination of efficient delivery and engagement models and technology.